18 research outputs found

    Specifying Reuse Interfaces for Task-Oriented Framework Specialization

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    Reuse of existing carefully designed and tested software improves the quality of new software systems and reduces their development costs. Object-oriented frameworks provide an established means for software reuse on the levels of both architectural design and concrete implementation. Unfortunately, due to frame-works complexity that typically results from their flexibility and overall abstract nature, there are severe problems in using frameworks. Patterns are generally accepted as a convenient way of documenting frameworks and their reuse interfaces. In this thesis it is argued, however, that mere static documentation is not enough to solve the problems related to framework usage. Instead, proper interactive assistance tools are needed in order to enable system-atic framework-based software production. This thesis shows how patterns that document a framework s reuse interface can be represented as dependency graphs, and how dynamic lists of programming tasks can be generated from those graphs to assist the process of using a framework to build an application. This approach to framework specialization combines the ideas of framework cookbooks and task-oriented user interfaces. Tasks provide assistance in (1) cre-ating new code that complies with the framework reuse interface specification, (2) assuring the consistency between existing code and the specification, and (3) adjusting existing code to meet the terms of the specification. Besides illustrating how task-orientation can be applied in the context of using frameworks, this thesis describes a systematic methodology for modeling any framework reuse interface in terms of software patterns based on dependency graphs. The methodology shows how framework-specific reuse interface specifi-cations can be derived from a library of existing reusable pattern hierarchies. Since the methodology focuses on reusing patterns, it also alleviates the recog-nized problem of framework reuse interface specification becoming complicated and unmanageable for frameworks of realistic size. The ideas and methods proposed in this thesis have been tested through imple-menting a framework specialization tool called JavaFrames. JavaFrames uses role-based patterns that specify a reuse interface of a framework to guide frame-work specialization in a task-oriented manner. This thesis reports the results of cases studies in which JavaFrames and the hierarchical framework reuse inter-face modeling methodology were applied to the Struts web application frame-work and the JHotDraw drawing editor framework

    Maturity of health care testbeds – A qualitative mapping at the Nordic context

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    This qualitative mapping aimed to report health care testbed activities in Finland and two other Nordic countries and describe the maturity of these testbeds. The data were collected in 2021 with semi-structured interviews from twelve organizations, of which seven were university hospitals, four universities of applied sciences and one primary health care organization. The data were analyzed using deductive content analysis based on previously identified maturity factors: resources, facilities, marketing and communications, repeatability, contract models, certification and standards compliance and time at the market area. According to the results, there were testbed activities in all participating organizations. The testbed activities mainly were funded from various projects, and the staff mainly consisted of single employees. The testbed facilities were both real-life environments and test or simulation labs. The marketing and communications were based on web pages, social media, events and networks. The repeatability was ensured primarily with usability testing, and the contract models were under development in most organizations. Certification and standards of compliance were rare. Time at the market area was relatively short in many organizations as the activities were mainly testing single products or services rather than continuous co-creation. Testbed activities in the health care and higher education organizations are merging with the daily operations in Nordic countries. Specialization within the organizations was seen, for example, robotics, rehabilitation or medical devices. Testbed organizations highlighted the need for more structured and coordinated processes and activities in order to ensure the management, quality and effectiveness of their testbed services

    Maturity of health care testbeds – A qualitative mapping at the Nordic context

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    This qualitative mapping aimed to report health care testbed activities in Finland and two other Nordic countries and describe the maturity of these testbeds. The data were collected in 2021 with semi-structured interviews from twelve organizations, of which seven were university hospitals, four universities of applied sciences and one primary health care organization. The data were analyzed using deductive content analysis based on previously identified maturity factors: resources, facilities, marketing and communications, repeatability, contract models, certification and standards compliance and time at the market area. According to the results, there were testbed activities in all participating organizations. The testbed activities mainly were funded from various projects, and the staff mainly consisted of single employees. The testbed facilities were both real-life environments and test or simulation labs. The marketing and communications were based on web pages, social media, events and networks. The repeatability was ensured primarily with usability testing, and the contract models were under development in most organizations. Certification and standards of compliance were rare. Time at the market area was relatively short in many organizations as the activities were mainly testing single products or services rather than continuous co-creation. Testbed activities in the health care and higher education organizations are merging with the daily operations in Nordic countries. Specialization within the organizations was seen, for example, robotics, rehabilitation or medical devices. Testbed organizations highlighted the need for more structured and coordinated processes and activities in order to ensure the management, quality and effectiveness of their testbed services.</p

    Creating framework specialization instructions for tool environments

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    Object-oriented application frameworks provide an established way of reusing the design and implementation of applications in a specific domain. Using a framework for creating applications is not a trivial task, however, and special tools are needed for supporting the process. Tool support, in turn, requires explici

    Plektrakäden tekniikat kitaristeille - opas plektratekniikoiden käyttämiseen

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    Opinnäytetyön lähtökohtana oli selvittää, millaisia haasteita plektratekniikkaan liittyy, ja kuinka ne voidaan ratkaista kitaransoiton opetuksessa. Samalla opinnäytetyössä luotiin oppimateriaalia, joka motivoi oppilaita soittamaan, ja harjoittelemaan plektrakäden tekniikoita. Opinnäytteessä havainnollistettiin, kuinka valinta erilaisten tekniikoiden välillä tehdään. Työ toteutettiin tutkimalla mestarisoittajien laatimaa oppimateriaalia, sekä soivaa musiikkia. Tämän jälkeen erilaiset tekniset ratkaisut kerättiin yhteen. Niiden pohjalta laadittiin harjoitteita ja etydejä, joiden yhteydessä esiteltiin erilaiset ratkaisut kyseisiin teknisiin haasteisiin. Tämän lisäksi työhön on kerätty tietoa motorisesta kehityksestä, joka huomioitiin oppimateriaalin laadinnassa. Opinnäytetyön ohessa laadittiin soitonopas, joka sisältää oppimateriaalia plektrakäden tekniikoihin. Vihkoon laadittiin etydejä sekä harjoituksia, ja lisäksi tehtiin transkriptioita mestarisoittajien likeistä, jotka olivat hyviä esimerkkejä tekniikoiden soveltamisesta. Materiaali sisältää nuottikuvan, sekä hyvin täsmällisen tabulatuurin. Harjoitusten ja etydien alkuun on kirjoitettu ohjeet, mihin asioihin kyseisessä harjoituksessa tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Materiaalia voi hyödyntää oppilaan tason mukaan, ja opinnäytetyön raportissa löytyy ohjeita harjoitusten soveltamiseen käytännön opetustyössä. Työstä on hyötyä kaikille, jotka kokevat hankaluuksia plektrakäden tekniikoiden kanssa. Tämä materiaali tarjoaa helpotettuja ratkaisuja yleisimpiin teknisiin ongelmiin

    Rasvavoitelukohteet Rauman tehtaalla

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    Työn tarkoitus oli saattaa Rauman tehtaan rasvavoitelukohteet kaikkien ymmärrettä-väksi. Tarkoitus oli kerätä tarvittavat tiedot yhteen mappiin, jota selaamalla saa tarvit-tavan tiedon ennakkohuoltojen suoritukseen ja nopeaan ongelmanratkaisuun. Työ aloitettiin tekemällä SAP-listaus kohteista ja paikantamalla niiden olemassa oleva dokumentaatio. Tiedot tallennettiin uudelleen mappiin ja M-Files-tietojärjestelmään. Sen jälkeen etsittiin layout-kuvat osastoilta ja sijoitettiin ne myös näihin sijanteihin. Lopputuloksena saatiin kansio, joka on keskeneräinen työn vaatiman suuren työmää-rän takia. Kansioon täytyy kerätä kokonaiset huolto-, annostelu- ja tekniset dokumen-taatiot. Kuvat täytyy myös päivittää, kunhan Xref-tiedoston käsittely on saatu toi-mimaan M-Files-tietokannan kanssa